Internet Service Provider

Solution for ISP

We have a top FlowGuard technology for you to protect your network infrastructure and data centers. We also offer assistance in fulfilling legal obligations within Data Retention.

Ilustrace ISP

Continuous connectivity makes a stable basis for your business

As an ISP providers, you certainly know that a DDoS attack can significantly reduce or prevent any legal traffic in your network infrastructure. The routes may be congested, the network elements may collapse and finally a part of the network may be cut off. The consequences will be held by customers and their end customers. In addition to dealing with the technical consequences, you will face an unpleasant explanation of complaints about network malfunctions and possible loss of reputation.


The only effective defense is to capture the increased data flow in a timely manner so that congestion does not occur. FlowGuard jis a flow-based technology that protects you against DDoS, including volumetric attacks. Using clever algorithms, self-learning mechanisms and monitoring, it detects where the attack is headed, ensures the passage of legitimate traffic. The permanent availability of services is thus ensured.


Jf you are an ISP provider registered with the ČTÚ (Czech Telecommunications Office), FlowGuard will also support you in the legislative obligation of  Data Retention relating to data retention.


If you are interested to protect better your business, contact us. Like you, we are experts in our field and together we come up with the best solution.

ISP Needs

Fulfillment of legislative requirements - Data Retention

The remotely accessible cloud solution FlowGuard Data Retention is without obligations and meets all legislative requirements of the Electronic Communications Act without affecting the quality of provided services.

Protected network infrastructure

FlowGuard Infrastructure Protection is a comprehensive service based on the latest knowledge in the field of IT, ensuring the constant availability of network services for the customer or his end customers.

How to start with FlowGuard?

Contact us and we will get back to you. We make an appointment to find out what are your need. Together we come up with a solution exactly for you. So it only takes a few weeks from filling in the form until you are fully protected. Well, then you can just focus on your business. That sounds good, doesn`t it?

Why FlowGuard?

Dohledové centrum

24 / 7 Monitoring center

Icon Anti ddos attack software

Smart attack detection

Machine learning and artificial intelligence help us to be on step ahead of the attackers.

Icon Shield DDoS Protection FlowGuard

Tested in practice

We continuously adjust the functionalities according to the current situation, e.g. size and attack vectors.

Icon FlowGuard Cloud

Fast cloud solution

We provide you with smooth operation, logging, 24/7 monitoring or cleaning from malicious code.

Icon Demo FlowGuard


Icon Hotline FlowGuard


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